
The Races of Helion

The continent of Helion is home to a diverse range of races, each with their own unique characteristics and cultures. The dominant races are humans, elves and dwarves who live in relative peace and harmony. Other notable races include orcs and goblins that are often viewed as hostile and dangerous by the other races.

There are also mystical creatures such as dragons, demons, and fairies who inhabit the land, and are often associated with magic and legend. Overall, the races of Helion represent a wide variety of cultures, beliefs, and experiences, creating a rich and complex tapestry of life on the continent.

The Alignments of Helion

The alignments in Helion are not just a code of conduct but a way to achieve great power. Acts of great good or great evil can bring forth great power provided by the world itself. Most of the races are marked by an alignment and many of their powers come from that alignment. Elves for instance are a good race and therefore, elves are good. An elf can't choose to stop being good, for if he did he would forsake being a part of his race. He would stop being an elf, and he would lose most of his powers.

The only races that are more or less free from these alignment restrictions are the humans and the dragons. The humans have absolute and true free will. They are able to choose if they wish to be good, neutral or evil. The powers they possess are reflected by this choice. This is why, in a sense, free will is a much debated topic by some of the human scholars. Does an elf have free will if he is good from the moment he is born? Can they truly be considered “good” if they can't choose to be evil?

On the other hand, the dragons are completely removed from the alignment system. Dragons simply cannot obtain powers from and alignment or be recognized by it. Dragons are neither good nor evil. They can't be, no matter what they do. This, however, does not make them necessarily weaker than the other races. They compensate this lack of power in other ways.

The Bestiary and other beings

This page makes heavy emphasis on the most politically active races of Helion. But there are many other races and creatures that are not listed here. Krakens, Fenrirs, Trolls and a whole bestiary worth of creature that inhabit the continent of Ascalon.

The Levels

The levels are a broad way to categorize each race based on their power. Usually races are able to fight against other races within their level but would find it very difficult to fight races of a higher level.

So for instance, an Ascalonian would probably defeat a goblin, not only because they are both races of 1st level but also because Ascalonians are usually stronger than goblins. However, it would be almost impossible for a lone Ascalonian to defeat a dragon.

The Races of 1st Level

The Races of 2nd Level

The Races of 3rd Level

The Races of 4th Level

The Races of 5th Level

Who arrived first?

During the Dawn era the gods and angels are allegedly the first to arrive. Although it is unknown exactly when they arrived, it is believed they were already here since the beginning. Then came the Numenoreans (High humans of the kingdom of Numenor), the Lindoneans (High elves of the kingdom of Lindon) and the Dragons. This last three arrived at the same time to Helion. Finally, the Demons were created.

During the First era, the Fairies are the first to arrive. Followed by the Aligerum, the Vampires, the Undead and the Draconis, in that order.

During the Second era, the first to arrive are the Black Numenoreans. Then the Elves, the dwarves, the Orcs, the Sairen, the Goblins, finally the Humans which are composed of many subdivisions such as the Ascalonians and the Fusgra.

No new races have arrived to Helion yet during the third and final era.

Who hits the hardest?

The scale of power takes into account the average entity of a race. Not its strongest or weakest member, but the typical being within that race. What racial powers they have and how their culture makes them more deadly in combat.

In broad terms, the power scale would look something like this from strongest to weakest: Gods – Dragons (Ancient) – Angels – Numenoreans – Lindoneans – Dragons – Black Numenoreans – Vampires – Draconis – Fairies – Aligerum – Orcs – Undead – Sairen – Elves – Dwarves - Fusgra – Ascalonians – Demons - Goblins.