
The Timeline of Helion

The timeline of Helion spans hundreds of thousands of years. From the dawn era which takes place well over 200 thousand years ago, to the third and most recent era spanning over 400 years. Here we will give a brief introduction to each of the eras.

The Eras of Helion

The Dawn Era

The First Numenorean capital, the greatest city to have ever existed.

The Dawn era is the period of pre-history that includes the creation of the universe, prior to the advent of mortals on Helion. It is not known how long this era lasts and the events that have occurred during it are known only through myth and religious teachings which vary from culture to culture.

Most historians agree that it marks the creation of the main races: Numenoreans (High Humans of Numenor), Lindoneans (High Elves of Lindon), Dragons and the establishment of Gods and angels in the world.

A very peaceful era throughout most of its unknown history. Later down the line demons were created by evil gods to face the angels. The opening of the gates of hell on the Numenorean capital (which resulted in its destruction) marked the end of this era.

The First Era

Battle between an angel and a demon.

The First Era takes place around 100 thousand years ago. After the fall of the capital of the Numenoreans, the demons began attacking and corrupting the neighboring lands. To face this new threat, an alliance of the forces of good is made.

During this time the races started mixing between each other which brought forth new races. As time went on, the continent of Helion began to be clearly divided into various sectors belonging to different races. Eventually, the forces of good were brought to their knees, but with the help of the new races that had been born in this world, the gates of hell were sealed shut. A bit late however, for the corruption of the demons had already soiled the land for far too long. Evil had taken root in the people of Helion. This makes the greatest and most benign of races to leave Helion, for it was no longer the holy place where they used to live.

Those who remain in Helion are their descendants. The parting of the Numenoreans from Helion marks the end of this era.

The Second Era

Evil god destroying the world

The Second Era takes place around 10 thousand years ago. This era is particularly filled with conflicts among the many races that now inhabit the continent. Good against evil is no longer the only fight that exists. Territory disputes, politics, greed and ambition. Almost all the races are either fighting each other, or amongst themselves.

This further mixing of races creates lower races. As time goes on some races from unknown continents arrive to Helion and start mixing with the rest. Eventually, so much mixing and dilution of the blood creates the most simple and basic of all races, the Human. A race that has lost the magic in their blood, but in exchange gained the free will to choose to be good or evil.

During this era one of the new races, the vampires, had been searching for ways to open once again the gates of hell. They succeed. That day, true darkness is allowed back into Helion. Demons emerge once again from the depths of Hell. That event marks the end of this era.

The Third Era

Dragon burning an army

The third and final era, so far, is once again the fight against demons. But Helion is no longer the holy place it was during the first era. Now there are many evil races fighting alongside the demons. And the good aligned races are not as powerful as they were back then.

An era of unlikely heroes and adventurers. To defeat this great evil, the races of this world will have to unite or be destroyed one by one.